The Archdiocese of Gulu intensifies preparations for the beatification of Venerable Ambrosoli

The Archdiocese of Gulu intensifies preparations for the beatification of Venerable Ambrosoli

The Archdiocese of Gulu intensifies preparations for the beatification of Venerable Ambrosoli

On the Circular letter released on 20th September 2022, the Archbishop of Gulu His Grace Most Rev. John Baptist Odama announced the dedication of the month of October this year as the month of prayers and catechesis in the Archdiocese of Gulu for the successful and fruitful Celebration of the beatification of Venerable Fr. Dr. Ambrosoli which is on 20th November 2022.

“Universally the Month of October is one of the months dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary. But I call upon you this year to integrate it with prayers and catechesis directed towards knowing and imitating the life example of Fr. Dr. Ambrosoli, and obtaining graces through his intersessions” Archbishop Odama Said

He continued inviting all people of God to have the following;

  1. Daily recitation of the prayer for Fr. Dr. Ambrosoli.
  2. Daily adoration of the blessed Sacrament integrated with Rosary prayer in all churches for at least one hour and daily recitation of Rosary in the families.
  3. Daily reading and reflection on the word of God in the Scriptures.
  4. Daily reading, reflection and teaching on the life and virtues exhibited by Fr. Dr. Ambrosoli

He further empathized that this is the beatification occasion in which the Archdiocesan family, together with the faithful in the National and Universal Church have to leam from Venerable Fr. Dr. Ambrosoli, how he lived faithful/ dedicated life and served God’s Will through his service to the suffering people.

Archbishop Odama encouraged all parishes,schools and other institutions of/in the Archdiocese of Gulu to make use of the activities given above and including catechesis, campaign for Sacramental life especially Matrimony, reconciliation and Eucharist, and recollections for their own spiritual renewal and growth. He also urged them to give full support financially and materially.

The Archbishop ended his message by wishing God’s blessings on all who are part of the Archdiocese of Gulu and prayed that Blessed Virgin Mary our Mother, will guide and protect all the people of God.

“I also entrust you to the care and prayer of St. Joseph our patron and to the intercession of our Blessed martyrs Daudi Okelo and Jildo Irwa, all the Uganda Martyrs and the Venerable, Fr. Dr. Ambrosoli”, he concluded.