Daily Reflection Thursday 15th July 2021

Daily Reflection Thursday 15th July 2021

Matthew 11: 28-30


How do we find true rest amidst the troubles and chaotic seasons of life? By coming, believing and trusting in Jesus with the faith of a child. By trusting in Jesus with such a measure of faith that everything is going to be alright, because Jesus is Lord over all situations. If your faith is deeply rooted in Jesus, there is no need for anxiety and worry. We have a Friend that will not fail us at every moment when we feel restless and anxious. He is Jesus! And he says to you and me, “come tome. I will give you rest.

“Dear Jesus shower me with the grace to be peaceful even in the midst of the storms of life. Help us to overcome the issues that are raging against us such as the CoronaVirus. Let the rest you give us cause us to move forward and further. May our cup of blessing overflow. Amen.

Fr. Alexander Mwebembezi